Crane Training FAQs NCCCO Classes
What are the eligibility requirements for crane certification?
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Meet physical requirements
- Comply with CCO's Substance Abuse Policy
- Pass Written Examinations (Core and one Specialty)
Pass Practical Examination(s) - Candidates must pass the Practical exam within
twelve months of passing the written examination. - Comply with the NCCCO Code of Ethics
What are the physical requirements for crane certification?
- Certified crane operators must continue to meet ASME B30.5 physical requirements throughout their certification period and attest to their agreement to this requirement in their application.
How long is the certification good for?
- CCO certification is valid for five (5) years
- Passing the Written Recertification Examinations
- Continuing to meet Physical Requirements
- Compliance with CCO's Substance Abuse Policy
- Compliance with the Code of Ethics
How does certification benefit employers and crane operators?
- Because of the sound methodology employed at all stages of program development, an employer can be assured that operators carrying NCCCO certification cards have demonstrated they possess the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for the safe operation of cranes - without relying on subjective recommendations or judgment. In turn, operators who earn the distinction of the NCCCO credential can take satisfaction that their skills have been recognized by an independent professional authority.
Several states and cities already have licensing.
How is this different?
- Licensing by itself does not necessarily ensure the operator possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a crane. Some state and city programs do not require training or testing, for example. NCCCO program functions as a positive supplement to some current licensing programs and is increasingly being adopted or recognized by others.
Is NCCCO certification mandatory?
- The NCCCO program was established as a voluntary program, by industry, for industry and continues to receive support from industry. The recognition of NCCCO by OSHA is still as a voluntary program, but recognizes NCCCO certification as a means of being in compliance with OSHA's requirement for a Certified operator. Remember, certification may not be mandated, but training is; OSHA requires all employees be trained for the work they do. Of course, when an employer makes NCCCO certification a job requirement, it effectively becomes "mandatory." Certification only becomes mandatory if it is adopted by a state or federal agency as the basis of a licensing program or if an employer or project owner requires it as a basis for employment. Mandatory states include California, Montana, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Minnesota, West Virginia, New Jersey, and Washington.
What are the requirements for an operator to get "grandfathered"?
- NCCCO does not "grandfather" any operators. The NCCCO examination is a test of knowledge and skills, not a test of experience. Experience can be good or bad, relevant or irrelevant, general or specific, and should not be used by itself as an indication of proficiency.
Most field mechanics/technicians have small hoisting devices on their service trucks, typically in the 4,000 - 10,000 pounds capacity range. Do these mechanics/technicians need to be certified?
- The issue of whether certification is required is a question for the employer. But note that the ASME B30.5 mobile crane standards covers all mobile telescopic cranes above 1 ton capacity. OSHA requires all operators of equipment be trained in their safe use. NCCCO certification can serve as an effective, legally-defensible verification of that training.
Is recertification required?
- Yes, NCCCO requires recertification every five (5) years to ensure knowledge has been retained, address regulatory changes, and to accommodate technical changes in equipment. To be recertified, a candidate must: 1. pass a written Recertification Examination 2. have at least 1,000 crane-related hours of experience within the five years.
Call 1 877 226-6006 and ask for Gregg or request more information through our Contact Form